Intermediate Ski Day
The bus will depart WBES at 8:30 The bus will depart Mt. Baldy at 2:00
The bus will depart WBES at 8:30 The bus will depart Mt. Baldy at 2:00
Please ensure your student is dressed to be outside for the day.
WBES will be outdoors for the afternoon for a winter Olympics. Please ensure your student is dressed for the weather.
Wear your pink shirts to show support of anti-bullying.
WBES vs JAHE Girls play at 10:00 Boys play at 11:00
4:15 in the Library, everyone is welcome
Girls play at 12:15 Boys play at 1:15
A gallery walk around in the library with the presenter. This will be a practice for science fair at BCSS.
The bus will depart WBES at 8:30 The bus will depart BCSS at 12:00