Cancelled – Volleyball at CLES
The game will be rescheduled for another time
The game will be rescheduled for another time
Permission slips to allow your proofs to be emailed to you have gone home.
Students will travel by bus to BCSS. The bus departs WBES at 10:15 and departs BCSS at 11:15.
DAPE and Big White will come to WBES for a home game.
Pick up Primaries at WBES @8:30 (8:40 rolling) Drop off Primaries at Arena @9:00 Pick up Intermediates at WBES @9:30 (9:40 rolling) Drop off Intermediates at Arena @10:00 Pick up…
JAHE will be traveling to WBES for a home game. 10:30-11:30 - BWCS vs Hutton 11:30-12:30 - WBES vs Hutton 12:30-1:00 - WBES vs BWCS
Book Fair will be held in the library, parent volunteers are required.
9:30 the health nurse will arrive to give immunizations to those students with parental consent.
Pick up Primaries at WBES @8:30 (8:40 rolling) Drop off Primaries at Arena @9:00 Pick up Intermediates at WBES @9:30 (9:40 rolling) Drop off Intermediates at Arena @10:00 Pick up…